Striped Bass have been considered an important species in sportfishing in the Northeast for decades. The striped bass travel from the Carolinas to Nova Scotia in the spring and a large part of the Eastern Species will summer off the coast of Long Island New York, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Our striped bass fishery traditionally begins the first couple weeks of May and improves rapidly through June. We target large striped bass on top water and live bait in Cape Cod Bay during May and June. The water is warmer in Cape Cod Bay and the fish are traveling in schools as they find their way to the ocean. Toward the end of June, we point the bow towards Chatham and fish the Monomoy Rips until July when the fish travel further North towards Orleans. Typically, we take advantage of our abundance of live bait by starting the trip fishing for mackerel and or menhaden and then use them to target the trophy striped bass. The other types of live bait used are eels and sand eels, these will be provided for the customers. However, if bait is not available, we will utilize light tackle plugs and vertical jigging. Our world class striped bass fishery lasts through September and ends in October.